Sunday, October 8, 2017

My Corporate Predictions

Like the dinosaurs of old, brick and mortar cubicle workers will evolve into stronger, more efficient portable assets (home workers) for the corporations that are open minded about embracing technological reality. Remote workers will, and are becoming more so now, the dynamic workforce of successful corporations. A quality home worker can produce more work, in a more efficient manner and with less waste than the vast majority of office workers found in any corporation, anywhere.
In this real world 21st century, we are fast approaching the time when the economics of proving the need for office cubicle workers will be a memory along with the many operational systems that are now consuming vast amounts of corporate funds to keep them productive. Gone will be the need for an HR Office and its employees that oversee the numerous cubicle worker’s scattered throughout the corporate empire. Gone will be the monster IT Department that has never really been funded well enough to function properly. Highly skilled technicians will be the go to fixers for the remote office worker in need. Gone will be the need for the millions of dollars spent on keeping these office mausoleums pristine and beautiful. Gone will be the endless financial reports listing the line item necessities for the upkeep and maintenance of the HVAC and other infrastructure systems that have never been and will never be adequately funded. Gone will be the embarrassing end of quarter or end of year financial report to the stock owners that details why there will be such a tiny dividend this time.
Can you imagine a time when the highly successful corporate board meeting is held via wireless video conferencing, where all the members of the board are in their own private workspace and not in a corporate boardroom on the umpteenth floor above Main Street anywhere? For an older corporation to become sustainably profitable in this ever tightening global business environment, change will have to become the mantra – not just something to consider at the next retreat. In fact, those executive retreats might become actual retreats from the corporate world if the antiquated and wasteful antics of the last two centuries do not end.
Remote workers are the solution to the stagnant, ever depressing world of Corporate Earth. Can you imagine having co-workers that you meet online while you are taking care of your family? Can you feel the excitement when your workday ends and you leave your office and walk those thirty steps to your family room? Whether your job is data entry, sales, project management, chief operations officer, chief executive officer or even president of the company, working remotely can and will allow each person to increase production which will in turn, increase profits for the corporation. And after all, profits is why we start a business in the first place, yes?
When the large corporations that insist on doing business the way it has been done since before the computer was invented, truly realize what the changing times and changing technology have created all across the world, how access to wireless communication is allowing a woman in an off the map location to create a business which helps her family and her community, or how a person that wants to learn a new skill is able to do so through an internet connection without the need or expense of usurping their life to move to a brick and mortar university, or any number of other poignant examples available, maybe then, remote working will be called on to move that corporation through the next twenty years and into the remote future.

If this article has moved you one way or the other I would love to hear your thoughts. Give us a like or post a comment and do let us know where YOU stand. As always, praise God from Whom ALL blessing flow!

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